
Turning a pen is much more than a mere hobby to us at GM Pens. As a matter of fact, it is much more than a profession either. It is, in fact a spiritual exercise from which we draw our sustenance – it is our raison d’être. The blades that were raised in the name of the Almighty could not have been made with steels that were compromised, or hilts that were of lesser materials – nor can the pens that we make, for we realise that they, in the hands of the righteous, will write the history of tomorrow.

That is why we insist on using the best materials – as a rule as opposed to being an exception. And before you move on to test our actual products, we would like you to spend a moment to acclimatise yourself.


The term “ebonite” is actually a brand name that was coined by Hugh Silver, the generic name being hard rubber which is obtained by vulcanising natural rubber in a time-consuming process. Intended to be used as a substitute for ebony wood, the use of ebonite for turning fountain pens dates back to its early years and has been consistently popular because of a variety of reasons. The ebonite used by us is of the highest grades and conform to the most stringent industry standards.


Resins are solids or highly viscous substances of either natural (plant) or synthetic origin which are typically convertible into polymers. Resins are preferred for turning fountain pens as apart from various practical advantages they can be imbued with n number of shades. The resins that we use are mostly imported and have been specifically made to comply with the exacting demands of pen turning. Different types of resins – which comprise almost the entire spectrum in terms of quality and price are used by us.


The feed draws the ink from the reservoir through capillary action and deposits it on the paper, making it one of the crucial parts that convert thoughts into words. However, as the feed generally stays hidden by the nib, it is often denied the attention it deserves. The feeds that we use are mostly custom designed and manufactured by specialised feed makers who have been our associates since our inception. Suffice to say, the feeds used are always top of the line.


The clips and rings – often called ornaments are accoutrements that add to the visual appeal of the fountain pen apart from serving specific functions. While they are not essentials to the act of writing, their value in the overall scheme of the pen cannot be over emphasised. Suffice to say, we take the same care in procuring the clip and the ring that we append to the other parts ensuring that they are in terms of material quality and craftsmanship the finest in the class that money can buy.


In keeping with the demands of the times, the regulation supply with our fountain pens is the converter which is originated from the peerless house of Schmidt and is every inch a true blooded warhorse. These converters are of international specifications. However, EDC mechanism is also supported by our pens.

All our pens are also capable of drawing ink from internationally compatible cartridges which are widely available in the market.


We use nibs from Jowo, Schmidt and Bock, which are almost names generic for quality fountain pen nibs and are universally acknowledged apart from being synonymous with quality.


Schmidt has been developing and producing the finest nibs and nib units for some of the biggest names in the fountain pen industry for decades now.


Jowo is a Berlin based specialised manufacturer of nibs. Globally acknowledged as one of the most trusted, prime producers, Jowo made nibs have been tested over time.


Bock dates itself back to 1939 when it was founded in Germany by Peter Bock and has, since then, been at the very forefront of nib and feed manufacture.